01777 811 358
Number: 223146
Name: East Drayton Constable's Charity
- Mr James Simpson
- Mr Jeffrey Dowson
- Mr John Bingham
- Mr David Allen
Who Benefits: Children / young people / Elderly / old people
Charitable Objects:
- One quarter thereof in or towards the maintenance and repair of the Parish Church of the said Ecclesiastical Parish.
- One quarter thereof in advancing in such ways as the Trustees think fit the education, including physical and social training, of or who have a parent or parents resident in the Parish of East Drayton and who in the opinion of the trustees are in need of financial assistance.
- Two quarters there of for relief in need in accordance with the provisions herein after contained.
Number: 223147
Name: East Drayton - Churchyard Maintenance Fund
- Mrs Heather Shreeve
- Mrs Janet Goddard
Who Benefits:
- General public / mankind
- Maintenance of St Peter's churchyard
Number: 504706
Name: East Drayton Village Hall
- Mr John Bingham
- Mr Ray Small
Who Benefits:
- Children / young people
- Elderly / old People
- People with disabilities
- General public / mankind
For the purposes of a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of the Parish of East Drayton in the County of Nottingham without distinction of political, religious or other opinions including use for meetings, lectures and classes and for other forms of recreation and leisure-time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants
Number: 700234
Name: East Drayton Educational Charity
- Mr Steve Ellis
- Mrs Heather Shreeve
- Mrs Jenny Stephens
Who Benefits:
- Children / young people
Promoting the education, including, education consistent with the principles of the Church of England, of persons under the age of 25 years, who are resident in East Drayton and who are in need of financial assistance.